Multifamily fundamentals in particular have improved, though not quite back to where they were during the more flush days of the mid-2000s. During 3Q10, average apartment vacancies nationwide were 7.7 percent, compared with 5.8 percent during 3Q07. Yet among property types, apartments are the healthiest in terms of 3Q10 vacancies:
Commercial Mortgage Apartment FHA 232 LEAN FHA 242 Hospital FHA FNMA and Freddie Mac Apartment Convention Lenders
Commercial Mortgage Chicago
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Loan Rates Rising Treasury in SELL OFF
Apartment Loan rates have risen in the last month with rising US treasury rates. For apartment loan programs Scott (847) 903-7578
Ten and thirty year treasuries are in a sell off losing over one point today with rates rising about 15 basis points
The ten year treasury is now at 3.46% from 3.33% earlier today and near 2% a few months ago.
FHA 223 F rates have risen the least since they are wrapped with GNMA insurance and are rated AAA. FHA 223 F loan can still be locked below 5% for a 35 year loan.
FNMA and Freddie Mac rates have risen more since there is uncertainty of their future credit rating when the government stops backing them up. Currently large apartment loan rates are about 5.45% for Seven Years and about 5.90% for ten year loans.
FNMA small apartment loans are now running over 6% for ten years.
Several clients have reported bank quotes of 50% to 60% loan to value and twenty year amortizations, offered by several large Midwestern regional banks.
Ten and thirty year treasuries are in a sell off losing over one point today with rates rising about 15 basis points
The ten year treasury is now at 3.46% from 3.33% earlier today and near 2% a few months ago.
FHA 223 F rates have risen the least since they are wrapped with GNMA insurance and are rated AAA. FHA 223 F loan can still be locked below 5% for a 35 year loan.
FNMA and Freddie Mac rates have risen more since there is uncertainty of their future credit rating when the government stops backing them up. Currently large apartment loan rates are about 5.45% for Seven Years and about 5.90% for ten year loans.
FNMA small apartment loans are now running over 6% for ten years.
Several clients have reported bank quotes of 50% to 60% loan to value and twenty year amortizations, offered by several large Midwestern regional banks.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Apartment Loan Rates FHA 223 F FNMA Small Apartment Loans
FNMA DUS Apartment Loan 10yr / 9.5 - 4.73% - 7yr / 6.5yr yield main. 4.51% - (8/12/10)
FHA 223 F 4.50% 35years FNMA Small Apartment Loan about 5%.
Non Recourse seven and ten year balloon loans
FHA 223(f) thirty fives year fixed rate loans should have broken 4% plus MIP
$5,000,000 and up
FNMA Small Apartment Loans less than $5 million starting at $750,000 Chicago FNMA Selected Cities
Scott Kendall (847) 903 7578
Chuck Kendall (773 259-7074
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Apartment Loan Rates FNMA DUS - FHA 223 F - FNMA Small Apartment
Apartment Lender Rates FNMA DUS Apartment Loan 4.88% 10yr / 9.5 - 4.70% 7yr / 6.5% FHA 223 F 4.50% 35years FNMA Small Apartment Loan a little above 5%.
Non Recourse seven and ten year balloon loans
FHA 223(f) thirty fives year fixed rate loans
$5,000,000 and up
FNMA Small Apartment Loans less than $5 milling to $750,000 Chicago FNMA Selected Cities
Apartment Loans
Scott Kendall (847) 903 7578
Chuck Kendall (773 259-7074
Non Recourse seven and ten year balloon loans
FHA 223(f) thirty fives year fixed rate loans
$5,000,000 and up
FNMA Small Apartment Loans less than $5 milling to $750,000 Chicago FNMA Selected Cities
Apartment Loans
Scott Kendall (847) 903 7578
Chuck Kendall (773 259-7074
Thursday, August 5, 2010
FHA Multifamily and Healthcare get approval for $5 Billion more in loans
The Committee on Healthcare Financing circulated a bulletin this morning announcing the Senate passed HR 5872, the General and Special Risk Insurance Funds Availability Act of 2010, providing the additional $5 billion of Commitment Authority needed to handle HUD’s estimated multifamily/healthcare caseload through FY End 2010 (September 30, 2010).
Next and final steps: The Bill will hit the President’s desk and we understand it’s expected to be signed by week’s end.
FNMA Small Apartment Loans rates about 5.50% $750,000 and up 5 or more units Chicago Area Non Recourse upfront costs only $4,500 for appraisal, legal all reports prior to rate lock. This program is HOT right now!!!
Next and final steps: The Bill will hit the President’s desk and we understand it’s expected to be signed by week’s end.
FNMA Small Apartment Loans rates about 5.50% $750,000 and up 5 or more units Chicago Area Non Recourse upfront costs only $4,500 for appraisal, legal all reports prior to rate lock. This program is HOT right now!!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
FNMA Small Apartment Loans Chicago Closed Kendall Apartment Loan
Kendall Realty Advisors LLC closes FNMA small apartment loan Evanston, IL
Loan amount $750,000 plus, term 10 years, rate under 5.60% Non-Recourse
Only $4,500 application fee includes appraisal, engineering and legal for deals exceeding $750,000.
Closings within two to three months of loan application sizing.
Rates set two weeks prior to closing
Loan amount $750,000 plus, term 10 years, rate under 5.60% Non-Recourse
Only $4,500 application fee includes appraisal, engineering and legal for deals exceeding $750,000.
Closings within two to three months of loan application sizing.
Rates set two weeks prior to closing
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
FNMA Small Loans FHA 223 F Freddie Mac Apartment Loan News
Updated Commercial Lending Rates for Apartment Loans
Fannie Mae Small Apartment Loans 5.60% over $1 Million 5.7% under $1 Million rate lock in approximately four weeks ten year term non-recourse loan up to 75% Cash Out - 80% Purchase FNMA large rates about 20 to 25 basis points lower.
Apartment Loan Rates FHA 223 F 4.75% fixed rate 35 year term non-recourse Max Loan 75% LTV for Cash Out - 85% for purchase and no Cash Out Refinance transactions processing time about five months.
Healthcare Loans using FHA 232/223(f) 4.85% fixed for 35 years.
Fannie Mae Small Apartment Loans 5.60% over $1 Million 5.7% under $1 Million rate lock in approximately four weeks ten year term non-recourse loan up to 75% Cash Out - 80% Purchase FNMA large rates about 20 to 25 basis points lower.
Apartment Loan Rates FHA 223 F 4.75% fixed rate 35 year term non-recourse Max Loan 75% LTV for Cash Out - 85% for purchase and no Cash Out Refinance transactions processing time about five months.
Healthcare Loans using FHA 232/223(f) 4.85% fixed for 35 years.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
HUDUW2010 - FHA Apartment Underwriting Changes Proposed
FHA Apartment Loan Underwriting Changes FHA 223(f) and FHA 221(d)(4)
Summary of CREF Conference 2/5/2010
February 5, 2010
Carol Galante, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing, spoke to members at the CREF convention earlier this week, outlining changes HUD is proposing to strengthen the FHA multifamily programs. While she pointed out that the HUD staff (both in Headquarters and in the field) had thought a lot about these proposals, they were open to hearing concerns and alternative ways to reach the same objectives.
As background for why the changes are needed, she pointed out that market rate Section 221(d)(4) loans are showing the greatest signs of performance deterioration with monthly default rates escalating. She also noted that FHA has a concentration of market rate properties in the highest vacancy markets. She informed the group that claims rates for apartments have increased from .6% in FY2007 to 1.2% in FY2009. And they have talked to the Hub Directors who have reviewed their portfolios and expect claim/partial payment of claim rates in FY2010 of 2.4%.
The policy response to increasing defaults and claims will be in three areas: 1) Improved counterparty oversight (of both MAP lenders and borrowers); 2) Improved credit risk management; and 3) Improved processing. Before detailing the proposed changes, Ms. Galante pointed out that many things were considered but left unchanged, including:
o All programs will be continued; there will be no temporary suspension of any programs.
o There will be no LTV requirement for Section 221(d)(4) loans.
o The programs will continue as non-recourse.
o FHA will still provide the most generous underwriting criteria of any execution.
o No MIP increase in proposed.
Improved counterparty oversight
1 Net worth requirements will be increased for multifamily mortgagees. While final decisions have not been made, a final rule is expected to be published in March. That rule will have separate requirements for single family and multifamily mortgagees, will provide for a phase-in of the higher requirements, and will allow for waivers for existing lenders with good performance.
2 For MAP lenders, there will be a new specialty certification for those lenders (and underwriters) desiring to originate new construction or low income housing tax credit deals. The details have not yet been worked out, but the lenders/ underwriters will need to demonstrate experience/expertise in these areas.
3 Multifamily will be instituting a credit watch system similar to single family with more objective criteria for oversight of lenders. A point system is being considered with points imposed for number of application warning letters, defaults, claims, etc. Enforcement steps will be taken based upon a lender’s FY2010 book of business.
4 The new mortgage documents will require disclosure of trade profits similar to what is required of mortgage brokers on single family loans under RESPA.
5 Borrower reviews will be tightened with 1) a full analysis of the sponsor’s and key principle’s REO schedule; 2) contingent liability for a key principle who must sign and take responsibility for “bad boy” acts of the mortgagor entity; and 3) additional HUD review for any key principle portfolio concentration of over $250 million.
Improved Credit Risk Management
1 Debt Service Coverage
o 221(d)(4) with 95% rental assistance—remain at 1.11
o 221(d)(4) with LIHTC – increase from 1.11 to 1.15
o 221(d)(4) Market – increase from 1.11 to 1.20
o 221(d)(3) -- increase from 1.05 to 1.11
o 223(f) Market – increase from 1.176 to 1.20
o 223(f) with LIHTC or rental assistance – unchanged at 1.1765
2 Additional Requirements
o 221(d)(4)s
Maximum LTC remains 90% for projects with rental assistance, but is reduced to 87% for projects with LIHTCs and to 83.5% for market rate properties
Minimum IOD of 4 months’ debt service (principal, interest and MIP)
Construction contingency increased from 5-10% to 10-15%(SR only)
Working Capital Escrow increased from 2% at 4% to cover new construction cost overruns and change orders
No release of cash out proceeds until construction complete and sustaining occupancy achieved
Must be able to demonstrate ability to stabilize within 18 months of completion, unless waived for larger projects
Maximum underwriting occupancy is 93% (decreased from 95%) unless waived
o 223(f) Refinances
Sustaining occupancy will be defined as 90% physical occupancy and 85% economic occupancy for 6 months prior to application; maximum underwriting occupancy is 93%
Audited financials for previous year must be provided for properties of 50+ units, but can be waived for acquisition financings only
§ Clear all accounts payable, project liability and deferred management fees at closing
§ Maximum 75% LTV if cash out; release of cash out deferred until repairs are completed
§ Failed condos where some condos were sold may not be eligible for HUD financing
Processing Improvements
1 Expedited processing for applications that help FHA meet its housing goals (more clarity will be provided on this once HUD’s strategic plan is published) and those applications which are easier to process (no definition of this yet)
2 Greater scrutiny of new applications in submarkets where there is existing concentration of insured portfolio or with recently completed 221(d)(4)s in stabilization
3 For areas with high vacancy rates and high concentrations of HUD insured mortgages, field office has to review how other HUD insured transactions in area are performing as part of pre-app review process
4 All applications eligible to be submitted under MAP must be submitted under MAP, not TAP
5 Mortgagees will be encouraged to sit down early with the field offices to prescreen applications before they are submitted
6 Underwriting narrative will be standardized (similar to LEAN)
7 Mortgagee and borrower certifications will be combined (similar to LEAN)
8 Applications and third party reports must be submitted in hard copy as well as via disc or flash drive
9 Section 223(a)(7)s may be allowed to be processed under MAP, and OAHP may have a role in the processing where preservation is involved
10 Under TAP, the borrower will be given the option of paying for third-party reports to expedite the processing
1 Current thinking is that program criteria in effect at time application is submitted will dictate.
2 Not clear yet what “application submitted” means for 221(d)(4)s; could be pre-app submitted, HUD invitation issued, or firm commitment application package submitted. No decision has been made yet but HUD is willing to listen to recommendations.
3 Will be implemented through Mortgagee Letter which will probably take at least 90 days to issue (May 2nd +/-).
Ms. Galante stressed that they were open to feedback on all of these changes but she also noted that they had thoroughly discussed this proposal and this is the direction they want to go. When asked about tightening market-by-market rather than nationwide, she responded that they preferred to go in the direction of tightening everywhere and then providing waivers in strong markets. She also stressed that these changes do not have to last forever, but when the market strengthens, they can change many of these underwriting criteria again.
Friday, February 19, 2010
FHA LEAN Summary of LTV and DSC
For FHA LEAN Financing go to
Click Her for NEW FHA LEAN DSC and LTV Table
Form HUD-92438, Itemization of Costs on form HUD-92264a, and Amendment Requests:
Click Her for NEW FHA LEAN DSC and LTV Table
Form HUD-92438, Itemization of Costs on form HUD-92264a, and Amendment Requests:
Effective immediately, you are no longer required to submit a HUD Form 92438 (Underwriting Summary Report) on LEAN 232 submittals. We are no longer requiring this form because all of the items included on the 92438 are reflected elsewhere in our Firm Commitment and its attachments. The Lender Firm Application Checklists will be revised to remove this document in the future. On Section 232/223f’s, please ensure that all submittals of form HUD-92264a include an itemized breakdown of the costs of the transaction that make up the Criterion 7 or Criterion 10 maximum insured mortgage – this breakdown can be included at the bottom of page 2 or on page 4 of the form HUD-92264a. Moreover, when submitting an amendment request that includes a change in the payment amount, please include the monthly principal and interest amount in the amendment request cover letter.
Requests for Clarification/Revisions on Firm Applications:
On some projects we spend a substantial amount of time going back and forth with lenders in an attempt to craft a project that is an acceptable risk to the FHA Insurance Funds. Because of our severe staffing shortage and in the spirit of LEAN, we have chosen to expedite this process in the future, as the current process increases the time in queue for all other projects. On projects where the OIHCF Underwriter needs clarifications/revisions, the email from the OIHCF Underwriter requesting such clarifications/revisions will give a timeline whereby a response is required. If a full response (partial responses add time to our process) is not received by the stated timeline, the project will be brought to Loan Committee in its current state. As we will only be allowing one timely response of a clarification/revision, it is important that the lender response is fully researched and thoughtfully assembled – taking into account the overall risk of the project to the FHA Insurance Fund.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Rival makes $10-billion offer for General Growth - Chicago Real Estate Daily
Rival makes $10-billion offer for General Growth - Chicago Real Estate Daily
It could be a sign that the bottom in CRE value has been hit?
It could be a sign that the bottom in CRE value has been hit?
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Commercial Mortgage Update and FHA proposed Changes
Commercial Mortgage Update - We have strong bank making bank loans for strong borrowers. They also offer short term apartment and other commercial loans under 5% for three and five years.
FNMA Small Apartment Loans are running about 6% for a point free deal.
FHA proposes changes to FHA 223(f) and 221(d)(4) apartment loans. 1.20 DSC for both programs for market rate deals and increased working capital (4%) and operating deficit for new construction deals. These rules are proposed and are not in effect at this time. FHA 242/223(F) has revised the rules for refinancing and if these rules are adopted more transactions will be able to refinance existing debt.
FNMA Small Apartment Loans are running about 6% for a point free deal.
FHA proposes changes to FHA 223(f) and 221(d)(4) apartment loans. 1.20 DSC for both programs for market rate deals and increased working capital (4%) and operating deficit for new construction deals. These rules are proposed and are not in effect at this time. FHA 242/223(F) has revised the rules for refinancing and if these rules are adopted more transactions will be able to refinance existing debt.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
FHA Apartment Loan Proposed Underwriting Changes
FHA Bombshell: We're Tightening Our Underwriting - Debt, Lenders, Government Entities - Multifamily Executive Magazine:
"FHA wants to raise the debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) for the popular Sec. 221(d)(4) program"
"under the proposed changes, market-rate deals seeking 221(d)(4) loans would be underwritten to a minimum 1.20x DSCR. Projects with subsidy levels of 95 percent or greater will still enjoy a 1.11x DSCR, but low-income tax credit deals would be bumped up to a minimum 1.15x."
For FHA 223(f): "Tax-credit deals and HAP-contract deals will stay at the program’s current level of 1.1765x DSCR, but market-rate deals will be bumped up to 1.20x."
"The changes will be open for public comment once they are published on the Federal Register. And judging by the initial reaction of FHA lenders, there will be quite a debate between industry lobbying groups and the agency. The Mortgage Bankers Association is still studying the impact of the changes and gathering additional information on the rationale behind them, before it takes an official position."
For the complete article click here:
"FHA wants to raise the debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) for the popular Sec. 221(d)(4) program"
"under the proposed changes, market-rate deals seeking 221(d)(4) loans would be underwritten to a minimum 1.20x DSCR. Projects with subsidy levels of 95 percent or greater will still enjoy a 1.11x DSCR, but low-income tax credit deals would be bumped up to a minimum 1.15x."
For FHA 223(f): "Tax-credit deals and HAP-contract deals will stay at the program’s current level of 1.1765x DSCR, but market-rate deals will be bumped up to 1.20x."
"The changes will be open for public comment once they are published on the Federal Register. And judging by the initial reaction of FHA lenders, there will be quite a debate between industry lobbying groups and the agency. The Mortgage Bankers Association is still studying the impact of the changes and gathering additional information on the rationale behind them, before it takes an official position."
For the complete article click here:
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Commercial Mortgage Lender Apartment - Healthcare - Hospitals
Commercial Mortgage Activity picked up as the month ended after a slow start.
We are seeing more Small Apartment Loans , a few FNMA DUS and Freddie Mac loans and several FHA 221(d)(4) loans for apartment new construction loan requests.
FHA 232 Lean activity is still strong, but many deals will not be funded at this point due to the soft market memo issued by FHA for IL, MI, OH, AR, CA and FL.
Hospital loan activity has increased with the new FHA 242/223(f) program and the Build America Bond program for FHA 242 New Hospital Construction for Municipal borrowers.
FHA 223(f) and FHA 232/223(f) rates are under 5% plus MIP. Add over one percent for new construction deals such as FHA 221(d)(4), FHA 232 LEAN and FHA 242.
We are seeing more Small Apartment Loans , a few FNMA DUS and Freddie Mac loans and several FHA 221(d)(4) loans for apartment new construction loan requests.
FHA 232 Lean activity is still strong, but many deals will not be funded at this point due to the soft market memo issued by FHA for IL, MI, OH, AR, CA and FL.
Hospital loan activity has increased with the new FHA 242/223(f) program and the Build America Bond program for FHA 242 New Hospital Construction for Municipal borrowers.
FHA 223(f) and FHA 232/223(f) rates are under 5% plus MIP. Add over one percent for new construction deals such as FHA 221(d)(4), FHA 232 LEAN and FHA 242.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Chicago Commercial Mortages Apartments Senior Housing Healthcare Hosptials
Kendall Realty Advisors provides fixed rate commercial mortgages for Apartments using FHA 223(f), Fannie Mae DUS and Freddie Mac, We offer the FNMA small apartment loan for the Chicago Area.
We also provide FHA 232 LEAN and FHA 242 Hospital Loans.
For more information Contact Scott Kendall at (847) 903-7578 or
For program details go to
We also provide FHA 232 LEAN and FHA 242 Hospital Loans.
For more information Contact Scott Kendall at (847) 903-7578 or
For program details go to
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